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Car Accident Lawyers Chattanooga TN

Have you or a loved one been seriously injured in a car accident?  Unfortunately, you are not alone because car accidents are a leading cause of accidental injury and death in our state.  In fact, fatal accidents in Tennessee have risen more than 4% from last year. Despite these hard facts, car accidents still happen when motorists continue to disregard driving laws and act negligently.

Photo of a Car Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident, then you most likely are upset due to the circumstances.  You may need intense medical care, including surgery, medication, and rehabilitative therapies. Your accident may have caused you to miss work and social experiences.  Additional financial difficulties may include medical bills and lost wages.  While you may be struggling as a result of the accident, you may be eligible to seek compensation with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Dennis & Winningham Law, located in Chattanooga, has helped personal injury victims throughout Tennessee and Georgia for decades. Our Chattanooga car accident lawyer understand the hardship and loss of Tennessee and Georgia car accident victims.  That is why we tirelessly work to recover compensation for accident victims.

Chattanooga car accident attorneys Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham have recovered millions of dollars in Georgia and Tennessee for car and motor vehicle accident victims like you.  If you or a loved one has been injured and need help with your medical bills, then you have come to the right place.  Auto accident victims and their family members in East Tennessee and North Georgia can confidently rely on the experienced auto accident attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law. We are the law firm that has compassionately, yet effectively, helped victims and their loved ones navigate the aftermath of difficult situations.

We have helped countless people and can help you too. After scheduling a free strategy session with a Chattanooga car accident lawyer, we can help determine what you need to know if you want to file a claim against the negligent driver and their insurance company.  You do not have to accept the suffering. We can help you recover the financial compensation that you are legally entitled to.

Common Causes of Chattanooga Car Accidents

There are many different causes of car accidents, but perhaps the one factor that has moved up quickly to make its way to one of the top causes of auto accidents is distracted driving. Today’s drivers are busy and distracted. We believe that multi-tasking is necessary in our increasingly busy world and have extended that into our driving behaviors. We eat entire meals behind the wheel, fiddle with car controls and GPS settings, talk on our cell phones, send and read texts, talk to passengers, and daydream, all while driving.

Parents are particularly at risk of driving while distracted, with many driving parents turning completely around to see what the children are doing in the back seat or picking up a bottle or toy. Distracted driving might well be the number one cause of rear-end accidents and is certainly either the cause or a factor in most auto accidents. Impairment, fatigue, inclement weather conditions, poor road conditions, exceeding the speed limit, and reckless driving are also causes of car accidents.

You can take measures to avoid car accidents, although you have little control over other drivers. Defensive driving is, however, a good way to potentially avoid an accident. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted while driving, never drive while impaired or overly fatigued, follow all traffic laws and rules of the road, and keep a safe distance from other cars so you have more time and distance to brake and avoid an accident.

Do I Have a Car Accident Case and What Is It Worth?

No reputable attorney can definitively tell you that you have a good case or what it is worth without first gathering all the facts and circumstances of your accident. The primary determiner of whether your case is viable will be the ability of your attorney to definitively prove liability. Liability is proven by speaking to witnesses to the accident, obtaining the police report, determining whether there were video cameras in the area, getting your account of the accident, and in some cases, bringing in an accident reconstructionist and/or investigator.

If liability is clear, then you likely do have car accident case, and your Chattanooga car accident lawyer will carefully calculate what your claim is worth. This involves adding all your “economic” damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and lost future wages. Economic damages are those that come with a specific financial number attached. Non-economic damages are much more subjective, and thus more difficult to quantify.

Pain and suffering are considered non-economic damages and can include actual physical pain that limits your work, day-to-day activities, or recreation, as well as emotional pain and trauma. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other emotional consequences of your injuries all fall under pain and suffering damages. You may be asked to keep a journal of how your pain and suffering have affected your work and your life. Once you have a Dennis & Winningham Law Chattanooga car accident lawyer by your side, you can rest easy, knowing your damages will be accurately calculated and liability proven.

How to Choose the Best Chattanooga Car Accident Lawyer for Me

At a time when you are suffering from your injuries and may be unable to work and make a living, choosing a Chattanooga car accident lawyer may feel overwhelming. Some people will ask for an attorney referral from a friend, family member, or co-worker. Others will look online to find a car accident lawyer in their area that seems like a good fit. At Dennis & Winningham Law, we know that you have many choices for your Chattanooga car accident lawyer. We are confident that once you have spoken to attorneys Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham, your choice will be clear. Our qualifications are exemplary, and we are client-centered, empathetic, trustworthy attorneys who can handle all the necessary details of your car accident and ensure you receive a full and fair settlement. At Dennis & Winningham Law, you will:

  • Work with your attorney, not paralegals
  • Receive highly individualized, highly experienced legal assistance
  • Have an attorney who has a deliberately focused caseload
  • Receive flexibility in the sense that we will come to you at your home or the hospital when your injuries prevent you from traveling or meet with you outside normal business hours
  • Have a case strategy that is precisely tailored to the facts and circumstances of your case
  • Enjoy the resources of a large law firm, while appreciating the personal nature of a smaller firm—our resources include the ability to fully investigate your accident, experts who can prove your case, and lawyers who are always ready and able to go to trial if necessary
  • Have a law firm with an outstanding reputation in the industry and a track record of success.

Case Illustration of Chattanooga Injury Claim

Ginger is taking her young son Tyler to the Chattanooga Zoo at Warner Park on a Saturday morning. As Ginger is going through a green stoplight on McCallie Avenue, another driver runs the stop light, hitting Ginger’s car on the front driver’s side. The police and EMS are called, but in the chaos, the driver who hit Ginger gets in his vehicle and drives away.

Ginger is grateful that Tyler wasn’t hurt, as he was securely in his car seat on the passenger side of the vehicle. However, she has several broken bones in her left arm and wrist. Further, the fact that the at-fault driver left the scene is also concerning although Ginger provides the police with the best vehicle description she can.

Since Ginger is a paralegal for a real estate lawyer, who uses a computer every day, she will be unable to return to work until her bones heal. As a single mother, Ginger is panicked, wondering how she will pay her medical bills and support her son when she is unable to work. Ginger asks a co-worker for a referral to an experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer, then makes an appointment with Dennis & Winningham Law.

By the end of the meeting, Ginger has had many of her fears alleviated, and is feeling better about her future. She is reminded that her insurance policy includes uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, which also covers hit-and-run accidents. Ginger feels confident that attorneys Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham will advocate for her, working hard for a full settlement that will cover all her damages, while allowing her to concentrate on healing from her injuries.

Work With An Experienced Chattanooga Car Accident Lawyer

Motor vehicle crash victims throughout Tennessee and Georgia rely on the experienced auto accident attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law. Dennis & Winningham Law are experienced Chattanooga car accident attorneys who take a limited number of cases to ensure we can give our clients the high-quality, professional care that they deserve.  If you work with us, we promise you that we will be committed to providing the best legal representation.

Dennis & Winningham Law is not a big “settlement mill” that will merely process your case.  Our focus will be on you. Unlike other firms, you will never be passed off to a paralegal or legal assistant at Dennis & Winningham Law.  You will always be working directly with a real and experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer. We maintain a statewide reputation for the care we take with each of our clients. Experience the Dennis & Winningham Law difference. Book your free strategy session!

Experience, expertise, and exceptional dedication to the needs of every client are the cornerstones of our success. Since most car accidents are caused by negligence, it is imperative that anyone involved in an accident contact an experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer. Please remember that it is crucial to act swiftly after you’ve been injured in an accident. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better we will be able to preserve evidence, file the claim, gather essential witnesses, and address any other important factors.  The sooner we start, the sooner you can recover compensation.   Additionally, each personal injury claim must be filed within the statute of limitations, or else the claim will be forever barred.  Contact us to find out more about how to recover damages in Chattanooga, TN.

The Dennis & Winningham Law Difference

At Dennis & Winningham Law, a Chattanooga car accident lawyer work to help with all facets of your case.  In addition to providing legal representation, we connect our clients to our network of specialists to get them back on the road to recovery.  We also work around our client’s needs, offering same-day, evening, and weekend appointments.  We can also offer home and hospital visits for the severely injured.  We never charge a fee until we receive a settlement for you!  If necessary, we will take the case to trial if a fair settlement is not obtained.

Chattanooga Car Accident Lawyer Overview

Unfortunately, car accidents happen even when a driver does not do anything wrong.  You cannot always avoid a car accident by being alert, following traffic laws, and driving carefully. We all share the road with other drivers, and accidents caused by road conditions or faulty equipment are often beyond our control.  However, driver negligence, such as distracted driving, causes many car accidents, so it is important that anyone involved in a car accident contact a Chattanooga lawyer as soon as they can.

Photo of a Rear-end Car Accident

A motor vehicle accident may involve a pedestrian hit and run, a truck accident, a bicycle-car collision, a bus accident, a tractor-trailer accident, a  driving accident, or a motorcycle accident. If a defective product, such as a tire blowout or an airbag malfunction, caused the accident, then the case would fall under the realm of product liability. Reach out to Dennis & Winningham Law today if you have questions regarding how injury claims work under Tennessee or Georgia law.

Chattanooga Car Accident Statistics

According to tn.gov, for the combined years of 2018-2022, Hamilton County, TN ranked 4th in the overall number of car crashes as compared to other counties in Tennessee, and 85th for the number of fatal car crashes. Hamilton County ranked 7th for the number of motorcycle crashes, and 57th for car crashes that involved both alcohol and a fatality. For car collisions involving excess speed, young drivers, and senior drivers, Hamilton County ranked 4th in each category. As reported on the getjerry.com website, Chattanooga traffic is some of the worst in the U.S., with the Chattanooga Interchange ranked the 11th worst in the nation in terms of bottlenecking. Since Chattanooga serves as a byway to many other major cities like Nashville, Knoxville, Birmingham, and Atlanta, the roads are not only filled with passenger vehicles, but they are also filled with commercial truck traffic. It is simply a fact that the more traffic there is, the more likely car accidents will occur.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can result in minor or serious injury to the victim.  Common accident injuries include:

Injuries might be immediately apparent at the accident scene or might not develop for some time afterward.  Either way, it is always important to seek medical attention after a car crash, even if the injuries seem minor.  A car crash victim might have pain and suffering long after the accident.  Medical expenses might pile up.  If you or a loved one has been a victim of an accident in Tennessee or Georgia, contact an experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer at Dennis & Winningham Law today.

Georgia And Tennessee Accident Law

There are two sources of Georgia and Tennessee law that applies to auto collision claims:

  • The law that governs traffic and rules of the road
  • The law that determines financial liability when a crash occurs

In Tennessee and Georgia, laws that relate to driving vehicles on the roads and highways can be found here for Georgia and here for Tennessee. These are the rules that all of the drivers in these states have to follow (for example, right-of-ways, speeding, traffic signals, etc.)

When an automobile accident occurs, the rule in the Georgia code and Tennessee Code help determine the driver responsible for causing the accident. Lawyers call the kind of law that makes the “at-fault” driver financially responsible for the car wreck victim’s damages, “tort law”. Tort law comes from decades of court made law designed to protect people from the negligence or wrongful conduct of others. When someone is “at-fault” in a Georgia or Tennessee car collision, they have committed the tort of negligence. The law holds a negligent person responsible in a legal action for any monetary damages that result from his negligence.

What should I do after a car accident?

Car accidents are frightening. In the heat of the moment, knowing what to do is critical. With any luck, you will never be involved in a car accident, but it is important to be as prepared as possible and learn what to do.

Photo of a Car Accident

If you live in Tennessee and Georgia, the Chattanooga injury law firm of Dennis & Winningham Law is ready to help with your car accident case. Contact a Chattanooga car accident lawyer today for a free consultation.

Here is what to do in the event of a car accident:

  • Get Out of Danger – If a fire or another dangerous condition exists in the aftermath of a car accident, get away from it as quickly as possible.
  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention – If you or anyone else at the scene is experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
  • Exchange Information – At the absolute minimum, you need to acquire the other driver’s insurance information, driver’s license number and license plate number. You will need to provide that information to the other driver as well.
  • Get a Police Report.
  • Determine if there are any viable witnesses to recount the circumstances of the car wreck.
  • Contact a Chattanooga Car Accident Lawyer – You can contact Dennis & Winningham Law at 423-556-9467 or fill out our handy strategy session form online. The easiest way to protect yourself in the aftermath of a car accident is by consulting with one of our experienced car accident attorneys.
  • Don’t Discuss the Facts of Your Case with Anyone – Don’t be surprised if you get a phone call from the other driver’s insurance company within a short period of time. Do not discuss the facts of the incident. The same thing holds true for your own insurance company. All too often, insurance companies try to pressure people into accepting unfair settlements. You have no way of knowing whether you’re being offered a fair settlement or not. That’s why having an experienced Tennessee and Georgia car accident lawyer by your side is so important.
  • Don’t Sign Anything – If the other driver or a representative of his tries to get you to sign something regarding the accident, don’t do it.
  • Get Copies of Everything – Make sure to obtain copies of all of your accident-related paperwork. Do not allow anyone to walk away with your only copy of a report or other document.
  • Don’t Argue About the Accident – In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, the involved parties sometimes get into arguments about who was at fault and what happened. Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t discuss the situation with anyone but your Chattanooga car accident attorney. The attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law can give you the guidance that you need.
  • Don’t Accept an Offer without an Attorney – Make sure that a lawyer from the Dennis & Winningham Law firm reviews any insurance company offer before you accept it.

The following resources could be helpful to you following a Chattanooga car accident:

Contact Dennis & Winningham Law today to schedule a free strategy session on how to best pursue your claim.  During your complimentary strategy session with one of our established attorneys, we will assist you in creating a legal strategy in how to best pursue your claim, whether it be the result of an auto accident claim, 18-wheeler injury, or another kind of personal injury case. The sooner you learn about your legal rights, the better you will be able to recover all the benefits you are entitled to.

Contact Dennis & Winningham Law Injury Law

Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham have been helping injured people make good decisions about their case for more than 75 years combined. Their practice covers both Tennessee and Georgia. Our attorneys have extensive litigation experience when a settlement cannot be reached, and our knowledge of how to present a compelling case in front of a judge and jury will benefit you. We are able to persuasively present arguments on your behalf in court as well as effectively communicate complex legal concepts to you in an easy-to-understand way. While we are aggressive in our quest to secure a full and fair settlement on your behalf, we are empathetic to the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you face following your accident. Contact the trusted Chattanooga car accident attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law if you are an injured party who wants to obtain compensation for the damages you have suffered. We offer free consultations so contact us today.

How Our Lawyers Help Handle Insurance After A Car Accident

After a car accident, dealing with insurance companies can be one of the most challenging aspects of the recovery process. While insurance is intended to cover the costs associated with accidents, navigating insurance claims can be difficult, especially when adjusters aim to minimize payouts. At Dennis & Winningham Law, a Chattanooga car accident lawyer is here to help handle every step of the insurance process, ensuring our clients receive the fair compensation they deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Gathering Evidence To Strengthen Your Claim

One of the first steps our team takes is gathering evidence to build a strong case. Insurance companies typically require documentation of the accident’s details, including police reports, medical records, and witness statements. A well-prepared claim backed by solid evidence strengthens your position, showing that the claim is legitimate and well-documented. A Chattanooga car accident lawyer works closely with clients to collect everything needed, from accident scene photos to expert opinions if necessary, presenting a comprehensive case to the insurance company.

Communicating With The Insurance Adjuster On Your Behalf

Insurance adjusters often ask questions aimed at minimizing the insurance company’s liability, and their questions may not always be straightforward. At Dennis & Winningham Law, we handle these communications for our clients, ensuring that all interactions with insurance representatives are managed professionally and that responses accurately reflect the client’s best interests. By speaking with the adjuster on your behalf, we help avoid common pitfalls that could harm your claim and ensure that the insurance company understands the full impact of the accident on your life.

Calculating Fair Compensation

Understanding the full value of your claim is crucial for reaching a fair settlement. Insurance companies often propose initial offers that may not cover all of your expenses, especially when future medical needs or lost earning potential are considered. Our car accident lawyers help calculate a fair compensation amount by evaluating medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any long-term consequences of the accident. This ensures that you’re fully informed of the compensation you should expect, helping you make the best decisions about any offers presented.

Negotiating A Fair Settlement

Once the claim is submitted, negotiations with the insurance company begin. A Chattanooga car accident lawyer is skilled at negotiating with insurance adjusters to reach a fair settlement, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients’ interests are prioritized. Insurance companies may initially offer a lower amount, but having an attorney negotiate on your behalf can help increase the offer to a figure that truly reflects the impact of the accident. We understand the tactics used by insurance companies and counter these with a clear and well-supported argument for fair compensation.

Filing A Lawsuit If Necessary

While many car accident cases settle through negotiation, there are times when insurance companies refuse to offer a fair settlement. In such cases, our team is prepared to take the matter to court. Filing a lawsuit shows the insurance company that you are serious about pursuing rightful compensation and may encourage them to reconsider their offer. Our Chattanooga car accident lawyers have the experience needed to represent you in court and argue on your behalf, fighting to secure the compensation you deserve.

You Are Our Top Priority

Dennis & Winningham Law are old-fashion, Chattanooga car wreck lawyers who limit the number of cases we take so we can give you the top-flight professional, personal service you deserve. Like lawyers used to do, before million-dollar ad budgets.

When you work with Dennis & Winningham Law you work directly with our personal injury attorneys, Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham, to get the maximum compensation possible. Experience the Dennis & Winningham Law difference.

We Will Get The Most Money For Your Suffering

We understand that if you were injured in a car accident or you lost a loved one in a car accident, you want the best and quickest path to maximizing the amount of money you receive in compensation. Look at our settlement and verdicts. We have a history of doing just this.

You Don’t Pay Unless We Win

We operate with a contingency fee arrangement which means you don’t pay unless we get you a settlement.

You deserve:

  • Medical reimbursement
  • Payment for past and future income loss
  • Full compensation for pain and suffering
  • Peace of mind in knowing your financial interests are being protected

Work With Experienced Car Wreck Attorneys

Dennis & Winningham Law are experienced car wreck attorneys who take a limited number of cases to ensure we can give you the high quality, professional that you deserve. We are not a big “settlement mill” that will merely process your case. We maintain a statewide reputation for the care we take with each of our clients. Experience the Dennis & Winningham Law difference. Book your free strategy session today.

Experience, expertise, and exceptional dedication to the needs of every client are the cornerstone of our success. Since negligence causes so many accidents, it is imperative that anyone involved in an accident contact an experienced Chattanooga car wreck attorney. Please remember that it is vital to act swiftly after you’ve been injured. The sooner you involve an attorney, the better we will be able to preserve evidence, gather essential witnesses and address any other important factors.

We Are There For You

  • Same day, evening and weekend appointments
  • Home and hospital visits for the severely injured
  • Never a fee until we receive a settlement for you
  • We will go to trial if a fair settlement is not obtained
  • Serving Georgia and Tennessee

Dennis & Winningham Law Are There For You

Chattanooga Car Wreck Attorney

You cannot always avoid a car accident by alertness and driving carefully. We all share the road with other drivers, and accidents caused by road conditions or faulty equipment are often beyond our control. However, driver negligence causes many car accidents, so it is important that anyone involved in a car accident contact one of the Chattanooga attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law.

A motor vehicle accident may involve a pedestrian hit and run, a semi-truck accident, a bike-car collision, a bus accident, drunk driving accident or a motorcycle crash. If a defective product such as a tire blowout or an air bag malfunction caused the accident, the case would fall under the law of product liability. Car accidents can result in painful muscle sprains and bruises or serious injuries such as catastrophic burns, broken bones, amputation, traumatic brain injury, neck & back, and spinal cord injuries.

If you have been injured in a car accident call us today.

Ensure you have high-quality medical care and maximum financial compensation. With Dennis & Winningham Law your case is handled by one of our experienced Chattanooga car accident attorneys and not a paralegal or new graduate. 

Georgia And Tennessee Car Accident Claims and Lawsuits

If you are injured in a Georgia or Tennessee auto accident you have the legal right to seek money from the at-fault motorist.

Chattanooga Car Accident Lawyers

This initial process has four steps:

  1. The insured person (or his Georgia or Tennessee car wreck lawyer) submits a “claim” to the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  2. The insurance company investigates the accident.
  3. The insurance adjuster confirms that their driver was at fault.
  4. After the insurance adjuster confirms fault, the adjuster attempts to settle your claim based on the insurance adjuster’s assessment of your injuries.

Settlement offers from insurance companies are almost ALWAYS less than the amount you are fully entitled to under the law. Not only that, but most offers not negotiated by a Georgia or Tennessee car accident lawyer, are unfair.

Should I accept an offer from the insurance company for my car accident injuries?

Do not accept any claim before you speak with an attorney.

Many large insurance companies have adopted settlement policies that encourage their adjusters to offer quick payments to persons involved in an accident. Insurance adjusters will contact you or your family shortly after an accident to try to gain your confidence. In doing so, insurance adjusters often try to present themselves as the friend of the injured person or the family of the person who was killed in an accident. The goal of such contact is to settle the case on terms as favorable as possible for the insurance company.

 If you are unhappy with your insurance company settlement offer, file a civil suit. Technically, it is against the at-fault driver. As a practical matter, it is against the insurance company. To maximize your claim, consider working with a Chattanooga car accident lawyer.

Contact Dennis & Winningham Law Immediately After a Car Accident

One of the most important steps that you can take in the wake of an accident is contacting an experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer from the law firm of Dennis & Winningham Law. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Chattanooga or the surrounding area, call (423) 892-5533 for a free strategy session.

You file a civil suit. Technically, it is against the at-fault driver. As a practical matter, it is against the insurance company.
Personal Injury cases involve claims against a negligent individual or corporation, the result of which causes an innocent party to incur medical expenses, wage loss, and pain and suffering.
If the driver of the vehicle in which you were a passenger is negligent, you can sue the driver (you really are suing their insurance company.) If the driver lacked insurance at the time of the accident, and you owned and insured your own automobile; your insurance company will be responsible for you medical bills and wage loss. If you were a passenger, and the car that hit you is uninsured, the car insurance for the vehicle in which you were a passenger would generally be responsible for your medical bills and wage loss. The mere fact that you were a passenger in a vehicle does not automatically give rise to claim of damages from the driver. The driver of the vehicle has to be negligent in some fashion.
There are certain circumstances when individuals other than a driver of an automobile may be responsible for your damages. For instance, if the negligent driver were in the course of scope of his employment at the time of the accident, his employer would be responsible as well. Similarly, if the driver is operating a car owned by someone else with that individuals consent and permission, that individual’s insurance company will be responsible as well.
Tennessee and Georgia are a comparative fault states. If more than one driver injured you, each negligent driver will have to pay his or her share of damages.
Tennessee and Georgia is a comparative fault state. As long as your fault is less than that of the other driver, you can recover money damages. However, the recovery is diminished or reduced by the percent of fault attributable to you in causing the accident.
The totality of the circumstances surrounding the accident determine fault. Eyewitness testimony from neutral individuals are always important. Additionally, Dennis and King hire experts such as an accident reconstructionist to help determine fault.
Any individual who a medical doctor says was injured or needed medical examination due to a Georgia or Tennessee car accident. In death cases, the heirs of the decease are entitled to maintain a claim, In certain circumstances the spouse of an injured person is entitle to recover damages as well. In the case of an injury to a minor, a parent or natural guardian is entitled to recover medical expenses incurred on behalf of the minor for care and treatment.
The general rule is that the statute of limitations for car accident cases in Tennessee is one year and in Georgia, two years. There are certain exceptions and Dennis and King needs to evaluate every case closely on an individual basis.
A person is entitled to recover damages for past medical expense, past wage loss, past pain and suffering, future medical expense, future impairment of earning capacity and future pain and suffering.
Every case is unique unto itself. Most physicians who care for and treat accident victims generally require 3-15 months of care and treatment in order to perform final opinions relative to injuries. Once we get the treating physicians’ final evaluations, we give the insurance company a detailed demand for settlement. Thereafter, settlement negations would begin. If negotiations do not produce a settlement that our client thinks is fair, we file a lawsuit.
There is no hard and fast rule for placing a financial value upon a case. Insurance companies evaluate cases on the circumstances of the accident, severity of the injury and its impact upon an individual’s day-to-day affairs including employment.
Insurance companies do offer replacement or rental coverage while automobiles are being repaired. In some circumstances, the adverse insurance company is willing to provide a rental car.
Only if your employer laid you off. Tennessee and Georgia has some of the harshest unemployment laws in the country.
The police officer will gather the necessary information from the parties involved in the accident as well as neutral witnesses. When appropriate, the police officer will take photographs and measurements. The report is then available within a short period of time thereafter.
The police officer determine fault by looking at all of the circumstances surrounding the accident. That includes independent witnesses’ observations, the observations of the parties and expert witnesses in the form of an accident reconstructionist when appropriate.
It is rarely productive to conduct your own investigation concerning the facts of an accident. Lawyers, professional investigators and accident reconstructionist are in the best position to act on your behalf.
If the cause of an accident is unclear, and the injuries are severe, it is important that your Chattanooga injury lawyer hire an engineer or accident Reconstructionist to investigate the crash.
It is rarely productive to conduct your own investigation concerning the facts of an accident. Lawyers, professional investigators and accident reconstructionist are in the best position to act on your behalf.
If the cause of an accident is unclear, and the injuries are severe, it is important that your Chattanooga injury lawyer hire an engineer or accident Reconstructionist to investigate the crash.
Under some circumstances if a quick stop is made, you certainly can be found liable in a rear-end crash. However, it is also obvious that the driver traveling behind you is responsible for observing traffic and keeping a watchful eye on the flow of traffic and road conditions.
At the time of an accident, emotions are high, you may not remember everything. If there are independent witnesses who can tell how the accident occurred, your fading memory is less a concern.
Whether or not a person was wearing a seat belt at the time of an accident is inadmissible as a matter of law at that time a case is tried. Therefore, that information would not be an influence factor in evaluating a claim for injuries.
It is generally not a good idea to provide blanket releases to a liability insurance adjuster. However, you need to provide some medical records in order to prove the accident injured you. When an adjuster wants you to sign a release, check with a Chattanooga car wreck lawyer before you sign a medical release.
Air bag product liability cases are extremely difficult cases. In many circumstances, the amount a jury would award you will be less than the cost of providing your case. These cases require very expensive expert witnesses. It is always important that a Chattanooga car wreck lawyer skilled in the trial of car wreck cases look at your complete case if you don’t get a fair settlement offer.
It is rarely productive to conduct your own investigation concerning the facts of an accident. Lawyers, professional investigators and accident reconstructionist are in the best position to act on your behalf.
If the cause of an accident is unclear, and the injuries are severe, it is important that your Chattanooga injury lawyer hire an engineer or accident Reconstructionist to investigate the crash.
Under some circumstances if a quick stop is made, you certainly can be found liable in a rear-end crash. However, it is also obvious that the driver traveling behind you is responsible for observing traffic and keeping a watchful eye on the flow of traffic and road conditions.
At the time of an accident, emotions are high, you may not remember everything. If there are independent witnesses who can tell how the accident occurred, your fading memory is less a concern.
Whether or not a person was wearing a seat belt at the time of an accident is inadmissible as a matter of law at that time a case is tried. Therefore, that information would not be an influence factor in evaluating a claim for injuries.
It is generally not a good idea to provide blanket releases to a liability insurance adjuster. However, you need to provide some medical records in order to prove the accident injured you. When an adjuster wants you to sign a release, check with a Chattanooga car wreck lawyer before you sign a medical release.
Air bag product liability cases are extremely difficult cases. In many circumstances, the amount a jury would award you will be less than the cost of providing your case. These cases require very expensive expert witnesses. It is always important that a Chattanooga car wreck lawyer skilled in the trial of car wreck cases look at your complete case if you don’t get a fair settlement offer.
Personal injury attorneys - Cover of the the "know your rights after a serious car accident" PDF


Your Rights After A Serious Car Accident

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Dennis & Winningham Law


Personal injury 

In almost all personal injury claims, insurance companies will offer you significantly less than what you deserve. It’s tempting to accept the first offer, especially if you are in a great deal of pain and unable to return to work. But if you’ve already taken a devalued settlement from the insurance company and your medical bills start to pile up, there’s little legal recourse to ask for more. That’s why it’s crucial to involve a Chattanooga personal injury lawyer before you even file a claim.

About Personal Injury >

Car Accidents

Chattanooga car accident lawyers Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham have recovered millions of dollars in Georgia and Tennessee for car and motor vehicle accident victims like you.  If you or a loved one has been injured and need help with your medical bills, then you have come to the right place.   Auto accident victims and their family members in East Tennessee and North Georgia can confidently rely on the experienced auto accident attorneys at Dennis & Winningham Law. We are the law firm that has compassionately, yet effectively, helped victims and their loved ones navigate the aftermath of difficult situations.

Our Car Accident Lawyers >

Trucking Accidents

Truck accidents in the United States are on the rise. Recent statistics show that almost 150,000 people are injured in truck accidents each year, and 6,000 people are killed. The regional area of Georgia and Tennessee is a crossroads and a center for car manufacturing, river traffic, and other industries. Large trucks, semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, and other commercial vehicles are constantly on the road. This has a downside as frequent truck accidents occur on I-75, I-24, I-59, Highway 153, U.S. 27, Amnicola Highway, Corridor J, and other roadways. If you or a loved one has been injured in a Georgia or Tennessee truck accident, you may be eligible for substantial compensation.

Our Truck Accident Lawyers >

Motorcycle Accidents

Experienced Chattanooga motorcycle accident lawyers Tricia Dennis and Lupton Winningham are avid fans of motorcycles, but they also realize how serious motorcycle accidents can be. With over 75 years of combined experience, Dennis & Winningham Law Injury Law knows the legal process to achieve fair compensation for motorcycle crash victims. Contact one of our lawyers today to learn more about how to start your motorcycle accident claim.

About Motorcycle Accidents >

ATV Accidents

Under both Tennessee and Georgia law, ATVs are not authorized for use on paved road, but children continue to bring ATVs on to our roads and highways. Georgia and Tennessee laws also prohibit the carrying of passengers on most ATVs, require children below the age of 16 to take approved ATV training courses, and require kids younger than 16 to wear helmets, eye protection, and over-the-ankle boots when operating ATVs. However, these requirements apply only when ATVs are operated on public lands, leaving kids essentially without protection when riding ATVs on private property.

About ATV Accidents >

Bicycle Accidents

The most tragic type of bicycle crash is a bike-car collision. Cyclists are completely defenseless traveling on 30-pound bikes when they’re surrounded by 3,000-pound cars and trucks racing by them. Pedestrians, defective bike parts, recalled bike helmets, and other ineffective bicycle safety equipment can also cause bicycle accidents. Bike accidents can result in wrongful death or serious injuries such as broken bones, amputation, traumatic brain injury, neck, back, and spinal cord injuries.

About Bicycle Accidents >

Boating Accidents

One of three factors usually cause boat accidents: an inexperienced boater, an intoxicated operator, or a boat malfunction. More than a third of both fatal and non-fatal boat accidents are alcohol-related. It is estimated that boat operators with a blood alcohol content of .10 or higher are 10 times more likely to be injured or killed in a boat accident than sober operators.

About Boating Accidents >

Nursing Home Abuse

No one ever expects a family member or friend to be the victim of abuse or neglect in a nursing home. However, abuse and neglect do occur every day and in many ways.

Dennis & Winningham Law are Chattanooga nursing home abuse attorneys who will fight to recover all that you and your loved one deserve. With our experience in nursing home negligence matters, we thoroughly and carefully assess each individual case. We prepare each case for either settlement or trial in order to obtain compensation for injury, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. We help victims and their families hold these facilities accountable.

About Nursing Home Abuse >

Premises Liability

Premises liability is a vital facet of personal injury law, placing responsibility on property owners for maintaining a safe environment. When accidents occur due to negligence or hazardous conditions on someone’s property, victims have the right to seek compensation. This encompasses incidents like slip and falls or inadequate security leading to assaults. Dennis & Winningham Law excel in handling these complex cases, tirelessly pursuing justice for our clients.

About Slip and Fall Injuries >


Free Strategy Session

During your initial strategy session, we will assist you in creating a strategy in how to best pursue your claim, whether it be the result of a car accident claim, 18 wheeler injury, or, other kind of personal injury claim.

There are 5 points to your free claim strategy session:

  • First, we will listen to your story. You will have a chance to tell everything to someone who wants to hear what happened to you.
  • Based on the information you provide, we will give you our best advice on both what claims you have and the next steps you should consider to go forward with your claim.
  • If you claim is something that we think we can help you with, we will explain the services that we can provide for you, and what the next steps are that we should take. We will start working immediately.
  • If your matter is something that we do not think we can help you with, then we will attempt to put you in contact with another lawyer that might be able to help you.
  • Either way, what should happen is we will put to rest some of the unknowns that you may be experiencing. We will start to shed light on what you can expect and how to best pursue the benefits you deserve.