When you are involved in an accident, you are often in shock. You may be confused about what happened, but it is very important to get help after an accident. What you do following an accident can affect your personal injury case. Here at 5 common mistakes that can jeopardize your personal injury case:
1- Not taking notes.
It is extremely important to take notes following an accident. Write down the names or those involved, exchange insurance information, talk to police, take photographs, and get the names of any witnesses at the scene of the accident. These details can strengthen your chance of winning a settlement.
2- Not paying attention to deadlines.
Each state has a statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims. If you do not meet this deadline, you are not able to file a claim. There are exceptions, however. Most states provide for a “date of discovery,” which means you may file on the date you reasonably discovered the injury.
3- Talking with insurance companies and opposing counsel.
Take cation when speaking with your insurance company or the other party’s insurance adjuster. They do not have your best interest in mind. A casual conversation could be used against you. If you discuss the details of the case, they may later use your words against you. It is best to let your personal injury attorney do the talking for you and representing you in all instances.
4- Negotiating a settlement too soon.
Opposing counsel and insurance companies would like for you to settle sooner rather than later. You may think you have all your expenses and paperwork prepared, but sometimes injuries get worse over time. If you settle prematurely, you may not receive compensation for future medical expenses and time from work.
5- Seeking counsel from an inexperienced accident attorney.
Not all attorneys are equal. You need someone on your side who has a proven track record in accident law and litigation. From car accidents to slips and falls to medical malpractice, accidents require unique knowledge of accident laws and the ability to navigate through the court system and its specific processes.
You do not have to go through the process of filing a personal injury claim and subsequent lawsuit on your own. Working with a personal injury attorney can not only help you with the process but also ensure you avoid the common mistakes that can jeopardize your personal injury case. Contact the personal injury attorneys at Dennis and King today for guidance on your personal injury case.