Attorney Russell King and the Dennis and King Personal Injury Law Firm negotiate substantial recoveries on injury cases previously rejected or dropped by other attorneys. This means that we delve into the facts of your case to see if there is any way to overcome potential weaknesses identified. Making this extra effort results in many substantial settlements for clients who call us for a free evaluation.
One example of this involved a client injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver rear-ending his truck. Our client’s truck suffered very little property damage because of its large mass and ability to absorb a great deal of energy from the impact. Unfortunately, because the truck did not buckle, our client absorbed the energy from the collision also.
The client called three attorneys before calling Dennis and King, suffering rejection by all three attorneys for the following reasons:
- The adjuster claimed that fault lied with our client because he stopped suddenly for a car coming from a side street. The adjuster subsequently denied fault lied with his insured.
- The adjuster denied his negligent driver caused our client’s back issues because of the lack of visible damage to our client’s truck.
- The damage sustained encompassed less than $2,000 dollars, and the adjuster claimed our client did not undergo an injury in this low impact case. This means that the adjuster did not believe a cause for injury existed.
Increased Settlements
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How did attorney Russell King turn this rejected case into a $350,000 dollar settlement? Firstly, the client met with Mr. King directly, and not a young attorney just recently out of law school. Mr. King has over forty-five years of handling personal injury cases.
Next, when Mr. King personally met with the client, he asked a lot of questions during the case evaluation. Information missed by the other attorneys included that the claimant previously underwent back surgery known as lumbar disc fusion. We knew that this prior surgery put the client at greater risk of injury even in a low-impact collision. When the client received treatment and diagnostic testing, the doctors recommended additional disc fusion surgery. The collision herniated the discs above and below the previous fusion. After the surgery, we negotiated the $350,000 thousand dollar settlement, despite the previous weaknesses identified by the adjustor and prior attorneys in their evaluation.
Dennis and King might undercover previously unexplored factors related to your case. If other attorneys have turned you away, call us today for a free evaluation at 423-892-5533or book online now.