DUI Accident Lawyer Catoosa County, GA
Every day we have choices to act in ways that prevent harm to others and ourselves, or increase the possibility of damage. Operating a vehicle while under the influence of substances is something that all of us have control of, and it is frequently a course of action that leads to devastating results.
Drunk driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents that our Catoosa County, GA DUI accident lawyer comes across. Georgia statutes charge an individual with driving while intoxicated if their blood alcohol concentration is d.08 or greater. This is one of many legal details that our team at Dennis & Winningham Law can use to fight for your case.
Our DUI Accident Lawyer Can Strengthen Your Case
Throughout our combined 75 years of practice, we have encountered a multitude of cases that are the result of drunk driving. Because of this, we can easily pinpoint important details that may be overlooked by an attorney with less nuanced experience. Our Catoosa County DUI accident lawyer knows the common fact patterns that occur in drunk driving accidents.
An example of this is when someone in a bar setting is drinking an excessive amount and multiple people are around to observe this, yet no one will approach the person and stop them from driving. It can be difficult to know that the lack of action from others may have contributed to the accident at large.
Injuries That May Result From A Drunk Driving Accident
Roughly one-third of all traffic-related deaths are the result of drunk driving. This is a shocking statistic when considering how easy it is for people to say no to drunk driving. Injuries that occur following a drunk driving accident can be serious since high speeds and head-on collisions are common scenarios. The following injuries may occur in this type of accident:
- Bone Fractures. When an unexpected high impact is involved, bones can easily be forced into positions they wouldn’t naturally be or rammed into parts of vehicles that are extremely rigid and unforgiving. This can lead to breaks that cause mobility issues later on and may even put an individual at risk for missing work.
- Internal Bleeding. It may be impossible to register that internal bleeding is going on in the heat of the moment. Symptoms that may equate to internal bleeding are pain, breathing changes, and gastrointestinal issues. Your internal organs have likely been damaged by the force of the vehicles colliding. Other issues like broken ribs, punctured lungs, or kidney damage may arise.
- Spinal Cord Injuries. Our spinal cords are responsible for most of our bodily functions, and if they are damaged in a car accident, it has the potential to lead to serious consequences. Even a less severe injury can affect our ability to lead normal lives if we experience chronic pain.
Pursuing legal action after experiencing a traumatic car accident is not something you should have to do on your own. Our Catoosa County DUI accident lawyer is committed to using their knowledge to build the strongest case possible.
If you feel you have been the victim of a drunk driving accident, please reach out to our team at Dennis & Winningham Law today.